Stockists of all leading Timbercare products

A-Shak believes in offering supreme service and superior quality and continues to strive for excellence with a range of products that are both innovative and highly effective.

Woodoc is an internationally recognized brand excelling in indoor and outdoor sealers, stains, variety of colours for wood, maintenance and up keep of wood, as well as stone and tile finishes.

Rubio Monocoat protects and colors wood in one single layer without overlaps in 40 colors with natural ingredients thanks to a molecular bonding.

Through on-going laboratory research and field testing Rystix Sales has developed a reputation for providing the highest quality products backed by strong technical service and professional advice

Paintchem manufacture paints for the Automotive, Industrial, Decorative and Woodfinish market as well as an extensive range of additional related products such as bodyfillers, spot putties, stopperfines and plastic primers.